Star VOI September 14th – the best episode ever

Whether it was the presence of the mummyjis and papajis and nanijis or the sheer sentimentality of the songs, this particular episode was a keeper.

When Irfan sang Lukka Chuppi( originally sung by Lata Mangeshkar and A.R. Rahman) he really elevated what till then I had considered a rather pedestrian number. It is a pity they don’t have the concept of singles in India because if ever a song deserves some serious air time, it is this one, in this voice.

Every participant poured their heart out in song and made the sentimental audience, including the judges, dissolve into tears. Thankfully, I was able to fast-forward all the senti bits involving the mummyjis and pappajis feeding their kids on stage, and probably ended up enjoying the show much more than viewers forced to put up with all the corny speeches and the stage-managed pandering which actually diminishes the real emotional impact of the performances.

Predictably, Mirande was voted out. My belief that it will be one of the guys who wins VOI now is on a firmer footing since the gender ratio is now 2:1, though Sumitra has consistently stayed out of trouble in the last few weeks.

I think VOI should bring out today’s performances out on CD( or I-tunes, since the CD seems to be a vanishing specimen here in the US). Worth every penny.

2 thoughts on “Star VOI September 14th – the best episode ever

  1. MFak

    hi irfan i m from pakistan u have a wonderful voice n i m sure n wish that u will VOI it’s my with for u ur such a wonderfull singer n u sung very difficult song ever in VOI best of LUck



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