A Returning Indian Entrepreneur Reflects – Part 2

By Kashyap Deorah

Let’s just say that our move to India is done and we are now completely a part of the problem. It has been nearly 22 months since we moved back. Two Diwalis and two Holis later, Independence Day has now moved back from July 4 to August 15. The fascination of big weddings, auto-rickshaws, street food, fresh mithai, monsoon rains, cutting chai, tangdi kabab, patiala pegs, haggling street vendors, gymkhana memberships, high-school reunions, first-day first-shows, live cricket matches, festive crowds and high-honking lane cuts has now transformed to the little compulsions and compromises of life, sometimes trading off health with politeness, and sometimes freedom of choice with practicality.

After more than a year of parasitic living at our parents’ home, we are now on our own as a working couple managing a household with daily interactions with a maid, cook, driver, dhobi, nariyal-wala, milkman, newspaper boy, kachre-wala, watchman, car wash guy, and monthly interactions with the local cable goon, Internet provider, repair technician, plumber, carpenter, electrician, landlord, home delivery guys, and a barrage of brokers. I commute 10 minutes to work, while wife Shruti commutes 45-90 minutes depending on her traffic karma, to cover a distance similar to Mountain View to Palo Alto.

Besides moving from the US to India and from parents’ home to ours, some significant events in our life include a recession, starting up from scratch, Shruti’s career path change and seeing my sister’s daughter grow up. Actually, Zoya mirrors our life in India since our move happened during my sister’s third trimester. Our new life in India is as old as hers in this world. We have now started walking on our own and have started mumbling some sense, in between violent shrieks and tears when we are not well understood. Here is a sequel to part one written in March 2008.

Aspiration Vs Experience
A common theme across Indians, bar the extremely poor (about 35% of India) and the extremely rich (about 2% of India), is aspiration. Some aspire more than others, but we all aspire. Some aspirations are ambitions to jump many steps in the ladder at a time, but it remains perpetually apparent that we are all on a ladder. Each Indian seems to have a story of where they started in life, and where they are today. A story of struggle and a highly developed ego about how well-earned the cup of tea is this morning. Ironically, between steps in the ladder is a black-hole with infinite ability to suck energy. One can expend a lifetime without hopping a step, or one can swiftly curve right around and jump a few notches. On the other hand, the American’s story in the sports bar is about his experiences. The places he went, the women he was with, and the cigars he smoked. The American way of life focuses on being yourself and having unique experiences, no matter how much gas it guzzles. Of course, Indians keep finding their ways to be different while Americans participate in pissing contests to conform.

Survival Vs Progress
From the blue-collar working man to a small business to a corporation, the fair price of a product or service for the Indian market is based on the perceived cost and not the perceived value. Negotiations at all levels end up being cost justifications rather than value justifications. There are two reasons that together make this happen: competitive gaps are quickly filled by entrepreneurial energy in an over-competitive market, and the collective natural capacity of Indian customers to tolerate pain and out-wait you ensures that someone will blink on margins. The only way to de-couple pricing from cost seems to be exclusive rights to a scarce tangible resource. Think of all inorganic growth stories in India, and you would discover that it started with a certain license or right or exclusive ownership won early in the game, or persuasively prohibiting market entry for other players by force or tactic. For instance, real-estate in Mumbai is like stock options in the Bay Area. It is the most probable reason your high-school friend is driving a Porsche Cayenne. On the other hand, the American dream rewards the guy from the mid-West who sold the hot-dog machine that could produce thrice the number of hot-dogs a day and now has a star by his name while sipping Pina Colada in Lanai. The American market at large adopts small innovations at scale in the span of time before competition catches up, and original ideas can successfully be protected from being copied. Going back to the Sequoia and Banyan Tree comparison, the Indian ethos is optimized for continuous survival while the American ethos is optimized for continuous progress. India is growing, but only at a pace that is essential for survival of a billion people. Perhaps this is not an economically underdeveloped society, but an overdeveloped one.

Chaos Vs Order
Before moving to the US, my political views were right of centre. After coming back, they parked left. As an immigrant, your lifelong beliefs are questioned. The rules you were brought up with stop applying, and in order to build the next set of rules on your own, you must go back to first principles. Decisions based on first principles require more processing cycles per day compared to quick look-ups of a rules-based system. After moving back, you can live on first principles for a while and look beyond your preferences and embrace the environment with open arms.  Sooner or later you would start forming rules that help you live easier. In India, a better part of those rules would apply to people and would take the form of stereotypes – quickly judge people, then accept, reject or ignore. You would be one of a billion mutinies, with a certain set of impenetrable views, albeit unique and changing. In philosophical debates your conscious mind would argue on first principles, but in real life, your unconscious mind would be asserting these rigid rules. Indians end up with a fair degree of order in personal life, perhaps as a survival technique in a high chaos environment. Perhaps, this is not a socially underdeveloped society, but an overdeveloped one.

Man Vs Nature
Some of my most memorable experiences in the US were with nature. These were moments that made me feel closer to life than ever before, feeling every drop of blood in the body, aware of how insignificant we are in the face of nature, marvelling at how much the human race has achieved starting with a world of forests, mountains, deserts, oceans and volcanoes. Some of my most memorable experiences in India have been with humans. Moments that make you feel more alive than ever before, seeing the extremes of human resilience and adaptability, the fragility of human life, contrasts in the value of a human life, acts of selflessness and selfishness, kindness and cruelty, shallowness and depth, and the extremes of human ethics. You would be well advised to take a break from humans when in India and give yourself some mind space in what nature has to offer within Indian borders.

Immigrants are a cursed species. The merits of the place we live in are taken for granted, and the merits of the places we travel to or stay away from monopolize our thought. No matter where we live, the mind always wants the best of both worlds without accepting the merits and demerits of a place as two sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. In general, those who move back to India after many years in the US choose to forego some obvious material comforts of life. There is a certain higher purpose that pulls one back home for fulfilling a human need closer to the soul. When moving back to India, I felt like the monk who sold his Ferrari (in this case, an Audi), only to realize that I am no monk. What seemed like a promotion to a higher plain of awareness is only the beginning of our pursuit of happiness. It would be a lie to say that we do not miss our life in the US. Life in India is much tougher, and as Calvin’s dad would say, it builds character.

At the same time, it is true that no matter what you choose to do here, you would be solving more fundamental problems and real needs compared to the US and making that much more impact on people’s lives; even if your expectations of being compensated or recognized commensurate with the impact might take a beating by US standards. Look at it as a journey towards self-realization and an opportunity to end up farther ahead as a world citizena after your life and experiences in India.

9 thoughts on “A Returning Indian Entrepreneur Reflects – Part 2

  1. priyanka

    Very well written article – brings out the minor details that immigrants or returning indians miss out while transporting themselves between these two worlds.

    I have two disconnects with the opinion 1. I cant understand for what are you building a character? For further trials ? Why can’t we enjoy an easy life permanently?

    2. Why is a journey to India considered a “self-realization” journey? Deepak Chopra , Rhonda Brynes (Secret fame) , Shakti gwain , Eckhart Tolle have been able to achieve self realization on an individual level as well as influence the world without undertaking such a journey.


  2. Neha M Sharma

    Nice post Kashyap. Cant believe its been 2 yrs!! BTW, How did you talk Shruti into her 45-90 mins commute vs. your 10 min one?! 😉
    (PS – Shruti, Glad to see I’m not the only gullible one around 😉 )


  3. Kashyap

    Fair question Priyanka. Ignorance is bliss indeed. But I see the makings of a new world order where ignoring the needs of 4 billion poor in the developing world cannot be ignored for own well-being. Not advocating trials as a pre-requisite. But advocating understanding of universal well-being…


  4. Arun Unni

    Hey, Kashyap. Beautifully written. As someone who has never really lived abroad for any reasonable period of time, I find this an interesting point of view. A few unconnected thoughts that got triggered.

    I’ve always felt that people are very clear about their objectives, and more importantly, how to meet them, when they are traveling/ moving abroad (abroad here has the narrowest, most traditional definition possible). They also usually achieve the objectives they set out to achieve (objectives here have the narrowest, most traditional definition possible). When they are coming back, they are usually more mature and even clearer in their objectives, but somehow the how part becomes difficult to pin down. The soul-searching starts much faster when you are back than when you went out in the first place, and its not because you aren’t clear why you are here, or didnt know what you were up against when you moved back. Coming to terms with it appears to take a lot of time. This is conjecture of course, based on people I’ve met 🙂

    Another aspect, and I heard this recently from a friend who just came back, is a sense of security some people get here. Somehow, they get the feeling that since they are back in India, “kuch na kuch to ho hi jayega”. Its an innate optimism that surfaces when you get back “home”. It plays a significant part in countering the large number of things which can push you to the cynical side.

    Third is the man vs nature theme. I and Raji have discussed this a number of times within ourselves. Whenever we travel on vacation, we always try to stay away from people, and closer to nature. And usually we’ve travelled abroad to do that. We’ve never really bothered to explore our own country, and thats just plain stupid. Its a realization we’ve had for a year now, and are now planning to put into effect.

    Keep writing!


  5. Sachin Shanbhag

    Kashyap, sorry to repeat what’s been said before, but really well-thought article.

    While I enjoy the dichotomy (sequoia v/s banyan etc.) you create to highlight differences, I wonder if that discretizes continuum a little too coarsely.


  6. Kashyap

    Hi Unni. That’s right. The immigrant factor is certainly pervasive, whether it is Biharis in Mumbai, or Indians in the US. Immigrants are more focused and work harder, without much sense of entitlement. Also, when someone is unclear about goals, home is a better place to be. These two rules probably apply across the world…

    Sachin, Yes, putting these things in bucket sure trivializes the wide spectrum in which the points fall. The article is an attempt to extract unconventional themes based on our experiences, in order to help Indians in the US thinking about moving back. I should also disclaim extrapolation of this theory to each case, which is special in its own right. I can probably make a long list of real cases I know where many of the above don’t apply. Like the say, your mileage may vary.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Aditya Agarwal

    hey, well written, liked that bit about pricing, I too have been struggling with that thought, how to introduce products/services that helps us move away from cost+ pricing to a value-based pricing, and more importantly, I have seen this phenomenon, where people have made millions by having access to scarce resource – marble quarries in my case – and now are headed towards becoming bigger by parking money in another another (perceived) scarce resource – Land.


  8. How to hypnotize

    This is a very well written article and we can all see you put much though and work in every word. It’s been both a pleasure and quite useful reading this, in such rough times for entrepreneurship world wide.


  9. Manish

    Both articles are extremely well thought-out and beautifully written. The immigrants dilemma is both a blessing & a curse for those of us who are living this life. Although I would disagree with your conclusion that working towards having a higher goal requires you to be in India. I am sure the work of the Gates foundation is giving immense “soul” satisfaction to Bill – several such examples with less $zeros can also be found. You dont have to become a part of the problem (to quote your own words) in order to impact it in a meaninful way



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